Score This Period Cup for UNDER $30 Shipped (It Saved Me $360 & Changed My Life!)

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My eco-friendly switch to the Flex cup has saved me well over $300! Read more about this best menstrual cup below!

woman holding menstrual cup and pink post it note with savings

This product could change your life as it has mine. 

Read why the Flex Cup is the best and has changed my life after 3 years. Make a better choice for you, the environment, and your wallet. Plus, for a short time only you can score 15% off core products, so there’s no better time to try this eco-friendly switch! 🌎

Use code HIP15 for 15% off Flex Cup + score FREE shipping!

*Code valid from 7/17/23 until 7/23/23.

box of feminine products on bed

Ladies, hear me out… and men just skip this post. 🙃

Remember that time you got your first period and the thought of using tampons was basically the most intimidating thing ever?

That’s exactly how I originally felt when a good friend recommended I try a menstrual cup, but here I am, 3+ years later sharing my life-changing experience and all the reasons you’re missing out. 🙌🏻

➡️ Spend UNDER $30 and save OVER $360 (like I have) by switching to the Flex Menstrual Cup 🤩 …

Flex Cup in Size 01 or 02 $34.99
Use code HIP15 (15% off)
Shipping is free
Final cost $29.75 shipped!

woman holding black feminine product making funny face

I get it. We’re creatures of habit.

We tend to stick with what works (i.e. tampons, pads, etc.). But what if I told you this little product will be the best switch of your life?!

If you’ve been around here for a bit, you already know I’m passionate about making eco-friendly switches where I can. Not only are they saving me a ton of money every month, but they’re SO much better for the planet too.

manicured hand holding black bell next to open packaging

What is a menstrual cup and how do menstrual cups work?

A menstrual cup is a small, flexible cup that’s made of silicone or latex rubber. It is designed to catch and collect your monthly flow, instead of absorbing it like a tampon or pad. Menstrual cups are endlessly reusable making them a more sustainable and eco-friendly option.

I know what you’re thinking. “GROSS. NO WAY. Not me. EVER!”. 🙅🏼‍♀️ Those were EXACTLY my thoughts when I first heard of the menstrual cup. (See photo above) 🤣 However, becoming more eco-friendly and using a product that’s safer for my body is what made me more open to the idea of trying it. So, I stopped buying tampons and went all in.

I ended up choosing the Flex Period Cup and still have the same exact one 3+ years later! 👏🏻

hand holding a clear plate with black menstrual cups on top

Here’s what drew me to the Flex Cup:

  • It’s hypoallergenic.
  • Made with body-safe, medical-grade silicone.
  • No BPA.
  • Can be worn for up to 12 hours. 😱
  • Lasts for YEARS.
  • Doctor recommended.
  • ZERO cases of TSS with this product. 🙌 WOW!
  • The unique pull-tab design makes removal easier than most other cups.
  • Easy to clean (just warm water & soap and when your cycle is done, you can boil the cup for 10 minutes for extra sanitation)
  • No cup staining since it’s black.

woman holding menstrual cup and pink post it note with savings

And can we just take a minute to harp on how frugal this thing is?! 😱

It may be a little pricey upfront compared to a box of tampons, but it literally paid for itself in just a few cycles! 👏🏻 Previously, I was buying this box of Tampax which currently retails for $7.99/box at Target. However, I was occasionally needing extras or spending more if I was in a pinch.

Ultimately, this menstrual cup in the last 3+ years has saved me a MINIMUM of $360! 🤩

Better for you, the environment, and your wallet. 😍 Win, win, win! 🎉

woman holding up flex period cup travel bag smiling

It comes in two different sizes. A slim fit (size 01) that is ideal for light to medium flows (holds the capacity of two super tampons) and is great for first-time cup users. And a full fit (size 02) which is ideal for heavier flows and holds the capacity of three super tampons. I now own both sizes and find them both useful during different days of my period.

Each box comes with a cute discreet bag for storage and traveling and 2 disposable menstrual discs (which, to me, weren’t as great as the cup) but at least you know there’s another option included for you to try!).

Here are two features that I think make the Flex cup the best menstrual cup on the market:

1. It has a one-of-a-kind, patented design.

finger pulling down on feminine product

This is the first and only menstrual cup on the market that can be removed like a tampon with its patented pull-tab design. When you pull down on the release string, it breaks its own seal effortlessly which makes taking it out easy and mess-free. 🙌🏻 I can attest to the genius design and that it’s everything it’s cracked up to be after using the Flex cup for the last 3 years of consecutive cycles.

The silicone material of the Flex cup is so comfortable too! Once you get the hang of relaxing your muscles, it just slides right out. There’s also no discomfort like what you may experience with a dry tampon when your flow starts to lighten or if you may not have put it in exactly right from the get-go. 👏  So long, tampons! 

Having trouble getting it out? One helpful tip my Hip sidekick, Bryn, shared is that you can bear down like you’re having a bowel movement and it will come out much easier.

2. The Flex period cup is dark-colored so it hides stains.

hand holding black menstrual cup

A couple of my friends mentioned that their cups became stained over time and that’s the only reason they’ve ever felt the need to replace them. Not only did that gross me out, but I’m also trying to be as frugal as possible. The fact the Flex Cup was black and would conceal staining was a huge bonus!

Three years (and counting) later, both of mine still look completely brand new! 🙌

The real learning curve with any menstrual cup? How to insert a menstrual cup.

hand folding a black period cup three different ways

In the beginning, the entire concept of a menstrual cup was so foreign to me so this was the most intimidating part of it all! Plus, having to relearn how to insert something properly made me feel like I was a pre-teen again so it was slightly overwhelming. 😬

After getting familiar with the Flex cup and reading the directions a million times over, I actually found this video about the Flex Cup to be the easiest to understand.

Learning which technique works best for you and inserting your cup correctly so you never have any leaking is key…and everyone is different!

In the video, the Flex Cup rep will even give a quick demonstration with a clear tube so you can see just how the cup comfortably blooms inside your body and how it easily comes out compared to traditional cups.

Want to know more about how to use a menstrual cup?

graphic image with numbered menstrual cup tips

Many of our Hip readers who use a menstrual cup shared their top tips when using a menstrual cup. We find these to be the most commonly talked about topics and really helpful if you are about to get started on this journey.

Hip Tip: I shared an affordable pair of period panties that I use every month to avoid any leaks.

After using the Flex Menstrual Cup for over a year I’ve decided…

woman sitting on couch holding and pointing to flex menstrual cup

This is the best reusable product I’ve ever purchased for myself, hands down! 🙌🏼

I was mainly concerned about my 2-3 heaviest days during my cycle and how this cup would work. There was even a day when I washed my cup right after dinner, went to bed later that night, and didn’t check it until the following morning only to be totally impressed that there was no leaking whatsoever! 👏 I could never go that long with regular tampons EVER. Not to mention, that type of neglect with tampons would put anyone at risk for TSS. No thanks!

I was shocked at how easy inserting it was too, I got the hang of it right away and found which fold works best for me after some trial and error.

Along with the health perks, there are so many other life-changing benefits I discovered while using this cup:

  • You can go to the bathroom without needing to empty or take out the cup.
  • You can sleep all night without worrying about leaking on heavy days. (Some period panties as a backup are a great reusable product to wear just in case too.) 
  • Traveling just got a whole lot easier since you’re ditching tampons.
  • You can exercise without any worry or discomfort.
  • You can swim while having it in.
  • Did I mention you can go 12 hours without even thinking about it?! This means that you’ll more than likely always be in the comfort of your own bathroom when needing to empty and wash it and no more changing soiled tampons and pads every other hour when your cycle is at its worst.

Not only has this cup changed my life, but I finally convinced some of my Hip sidekicks to try it and it’s changed their lives too! 🙌🏻

“Once you switch to a period cup, you’ll never go back! I’ll admit I was so intimidated by these when they first came out (and kind of grossed out!) but after I read Sara’s initial post on Hip2Save, it really warmed me up to the whole idea! After several other friends sang the praises of menstrual cups, I took the leap and tried it.

I am SOOO glad I made this switch!

After a few attempts, putting the cup in becomes second nature. But really, I love that it’s actually more sanitary than other period protection methods and I’m not contributing hundreds of tampons to landfills for years to come.

If you haven’t taken the leap yet, I highly encourage you to at least give it a try (and maybe keep some tampons or pads handy just in case) but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised after using it on your very first cycle!” – Emily, Hip2Save sidekick

My Hip sidekicks, Erica and Melinda, just made the switch and they’re not looking back either:

“I’m only 2 months into having a cup, but I have already saved so much money! I absolutely love having the menstrual cup – what a genius idea! Just to be honest, it took me a bit to get used to it as you really have to have everything in the right spot for it to work BUT once I got the hang of it, it’s easy!

What I love the most is that I feel so much cleaner during my period (a time when we can all feel a little BLAH and gross). The process of changing the cup can be a little disgusting, BUT once you are settled and have it in, you feel so good and clean! One thing I always hated about tampons is that I would have to change the tampon when I needed to pee (even if the tampon was not full) as it just seemed gross not to. With the cup, you can easily just go to the bathroom as needed without having to change the cup! You almost forget you’re on your period. It’s SO amazing!” – Erica, Hip sidekick

“I began using the Flex menstrual cup two cycles ago so I’ve used it for two full period cycles so far. I cannot believe I’ve waited this many years to finally pull the trigger. The first time using it was definitely a bit of a learning curve, but by a few days in I felt confident and was sold.

By my second cycle, I didn’t even bat an eye at using it. It was like using a tampon that’s how ‘normal’ it felt to me. This has already paid for itself when I factor in the tampons I didn’t buy in the last two months. I am so thrilled and will be recommending this life-changing product to everyone I know.” – Melinda, Hip sidekick

Head over to our Instagram highlights to see Collin’s (our Hip CEO and founder) honest thoughts and feedback on her period cup journey!

Want to explore other options? My Hip sidekick loves the Flex Disc

hand holding a clear and black ring menstrual disc

Flex Disc – Light or Medium Flows $11.99
Use code HIP15 (15% off)
Shipping is free
Final cost $10.19 shipped!

*Note that you’ll be subscribing to 8 disposable discs per month. 

Flex Disc – Heavy Flow $13.99
Use code HIP15 (15% off)
Shipping is free
Final cost $11.89 shipped!

*Note that you’ll be subscribing to 12 disposable discs per month. 

*Note that when you place an order for Flex Discs, you’ll be signed up for automatic refills. Pause, customize, or cancel anytime in your account settings.

“I was intrigued by the Flex Disc when I first saw their advertisement on social media and immediately ordered a box. The discs are easy to use after you get the hang of them. I can’t even tell if I’m using one after it’s in place. They actually let me forget about my period for 12 hours, which is amazing!

I do like that the discs are disposable, sometimes that’s more convenient for me than a menstrual cup. Flex offers auto-refill, which I find helpful. I hate having to run to the store just for tampons! And it’s easy to skip an order if needed. Overall, I like the Flex Disc much better than tampons and recommend giving these a try too!” – Emily S.

woman holding up black menstrual cup

Grab the Flex Cup for 15% off before your next cycle! 😉
Use code: HIP15

Apply to possibly get your menstrual cup paid for. Here’s how:

On Friday, March 27th, 2020, President Donald Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The CARES Act includes important provisions for users of health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs), and health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), and specifically, menstrual care products are now considered eligible expenses. Examples include tampons, pads, liners, cups, sponges, or similar products.

To see learn more or to see about your eligibility, check this page for more information.

About the writer:

Sara is a self-taught blogger and photographer with 8+ years of experience having work featured in various building, travel, and fashion publications, most notably Bassett Furniture and Fossil.

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Comments 118

  1. Megan

    I use the Flex reusable disc – switched over a year ago and never looking back. I have not had a leak even once. 12 hours without having to worry about changing a tampon is a game changer!!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      That’s great, Megan! 🤗 So glad you’ve found an option that works for you and you’re loving it! Thanks so much for taking a moment to share! 💕

  2. Ivy

    I used a menstrual cup for years and I am proCup. With that said…Just know that you really should be vigilant on keeping not only the cup clean but also the bag/storage clean. For many that means fragrance free cleaning. The vaginal area can be very sensitive. A menstrual cup can cause chronic cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and/or BV even when you feel like you are cleaning it because you forget about the bag/storage or don’t get the tiny little holes well enough or you clean one of them with fragrance cleaners. So, I definitely am proCup…just make sure you thoroughly clean all of it and with fragrance free cleaning.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks so much for the helpful warning and tips on cleaning, Ivy! 🤗❤️

  3. Sandy Bottoms

    Gross. Let’s talk about diarrhea and poop next.

    • Ivy

      All natural functions of the body <3

      Short term diarrhea is usually not a cause for concern but diarrhea lasting more than a few days is something you should consult your provider about. Also, if you feel that your poop is abnormal you should also consult your provider.
      If you or someone you know struggles with pooping I recommend the squatty potty, the YouTube video is wonderful to watch.Bestt of luck and happy pooping.

  4. Roy

    As a man, I appreciate y’all women. I couldn’t even imagine dealing with this stuff. Y’all are brave.

  5. Rosebriars

    I’ve been a cup user for 8 years and have never looked back. Only thing that wouldn’t leak with my heavy menstrual flow. I use a Ruby cup – when I was trying to decide I went on cup forums and the thing that got me to choose is that Ruby cup donates a cup to girls and women in need where access to period products is prohibitively expensive and can cause girls to miss school.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      SO happy to hear you’ve had a positive experience with your menstrual cup, Rosebriars. 🙌 Good to know what brand you love and that has worked well for you! ❤️

  6. markiesluv

    *Code valid from 7/17/24 until 7/23/24. Is this really the correct dates?

    • Trish (Hip Sidekick)

      Whoops! Thanks for catching that, markiesluv! The correct dates are 7/17/23 until 7/23/23. I’ve updated the post! 🤗💕

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