This Reader’s Idea will Save You a HOLE Lot of Money on Kids Jeans
Tired of feeling ripped off by kids jeans?
If you have kids then you know buying them jeans can be quite the rat race! You buy and buy and they continue to get holes in them, especially on the knee area. It feels like a neverending money pit – just writing this is triggering me as I have been in the holey pants battle with my daughter for years! 🤪
So when I read this week’s Happy Friday readers story, my mind was blown! She thought up a simple and frugal way to keep your child from getting those pesky holes in the knees and save you BEAUCOUP bucks!
As a momma of four, I have bought my fair share of jeans for the kids. I really like Old Navy jeans because they regularly go on sale (Hip2Save helps me get them for around $8!). The problem is my kids can wear their jeans for about 2.3 seconds before they get holes in the knees.
Until I found the solution!🙌
I put iron-on patches on the INSIDES of our new jeans. This reinforces the knees to help keep the holes away! You can’t tell there are patches in the jeans from the outside and this way my kids don’t look like their jeans are from the depression era. My kiddos look well put together and I get to save money! Win, win!
Thank you, Jessica, for solving a problem that all of us parents have endured and will appreciate! I wish I had thought of this idea hundreds of pairs of jeans ago but am so glad to use this tip from here on out. I will now be officially OUT of the constant pants buying racket!
We have an entire page dedicated to saving you $$ on kids clothing!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique tip to share?! Fill out our Happy Friday form. Every Friday, we post one submission by a Hip2Save reader (view past submissions) that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If yours is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon eGift card!
Where do you find the iron on patches?
WalMart carries the patches.
Walmart, Joann’s, Michael’s, Target might even carry them
I did a similar preventative thing with my husband’s uniform pants. I did iron on patches in the bottom of the pocket that he uses to carry large work keys everyday. The weight of the sharp keys was always eating holes through until the reinforcement of the iron on.
My hubs patches his own jeans (yes, well trained, I know:) Anyways, instead of buying and ironing/sewing patches on the jeans, he takes old jeans, cuts a patch out, and glues the patches onto the outside of the jeans. He uses Bish’s Original Tear Mender fabric and leather adhesive and it works great! I can wash and wash and wash those jeans and the patches stay on.
Great idea! Thanks for the tip.
Our fitted flannel sheets always get threadbare and develop holes quicker than our regular cotton sheets. Wonder if the Bish’s fabric adhesive would work if I cut out a patch from an old flannel pillowcase to repair it?
My kids hate jeans but I cut off my daughter’s leggings and hem them into bike shorts once she goes through the knee. I cut off my son’s sweatpants and hem them into pajama shorts.
That’s a great idea!
I think ‘beaucoup’ is the word you’re meaning?
Thanks, Kay! I just looked this up and it appears that “beaucoup” and “Boo Koo” both work as they have the same meaning.
No. Bookoo is not a real or proper word, and Kay is correct. To quote the Urban Dictionary, bookoo is an “american slang butchering of the french word beaucoup”. Especially when you have readers calling you out on it, it comes across as ignorant and not cute, and I’m surprised you’d defend it.
I think Amber is always cute n not ignorant. That’s pretty harsh to use such a word. I get how she’s using the term, even if it’s spelled in American slang. I did learn something new about the French origin and spelling, n I appreciate it. But no need for negative remarks. Kay Ramos (not the Kay who commented above)
Sorry for any confusion, Lu. Thanks so much for your feedback. That word has been updated.
Wow…just wow. Just a personal opinion…I don’t think that I have ever felt that strongly about someone using a word (correctly or otherwise) that I would call them out potentially making them feel bad and taking the attention off the true purpose of the post. Maybe find another way to pat yourself on the back and flaunt your superiority…not at the expense of others! Again, in my humble opinion, that’s not cute but ignorant.
Slang words are words. And it’s real if there is a general agreement on the use/meaning. Also, language evolves, and what is “proper” today was once “not real or proper”. I can appreciate the correction, but how about some grace, kindness, empathy in giving it.
Wow ! This is not the New York Times Mr. editor in chief! This is a fun playful website I have followed for years and your comment is by far the rudest I have ever seen!
Cat and Jack jeans from target are great for this because you can return them for up to a year!!!! (correct me if I’m wrong)
yes! Cat & Jack have a great return policy, if you have the receipts.
What?! I had no idea!!! I will go look this up now!
Yes! I’ve switched to Cat and Jack completely. They’re very nice but my boys are just so rough and jump on their knees. I have returned for warranty maybe 4 times. You need a receipt (I only order online) and if it’s after 90 days it needs to be done as a no receipt return. I’ve actually switched to Target’s snowpants also (all in motion brand) bc if they rip I knee I can warranty and get a new pair.
Lands End has iron-knee jeans and they are guaranteed!
Brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing! One more reason of the many that I love this site!
Aww, Thanks so much for the super sweet comment, Beth! It sure means a lot! 🤗
When I was a little girl, I was a tomboy and had the same problem getting holes in the knees of my jeans. This was in the 1970s. One of my mother’s friends suggested she get me some boy’s toughskins jeans from Sears. They had reinforced knees like patches on the inside as well. Saved Mom a ton of money, also. lol
I don’t know if Sears still offers this program, but when my kids were younger they had a program called Kidvantage that basically guranteed their kids clothes (and shoes!) from wearing out before they grow out of them. My son, especially, was always ripping holes into his knees and I would bring the holey pairs back to Sears for a new one 3-4 times before he grew into the next size! Gotta keep those receipts though.
Anyone try this on the inner thigh area? That is where I get the holes in my jeans…
I did! Honestly, it wasn’t comfortable and the patches didn’t breathe.
Does Hip2Save happen to have a list of return programs, such as the Cat & Jack (Target) mentioned above? I seem to remember that Columbia and perhaps Lands End had something similar.
Hey there Becky! I think you may find this post helpful and interesting:
I hope that helps! 🙌🏻